Listed On

Trusted for efficiency proven to be cost effective price lower than official


Genuinity and quality are the main mantras of pinglisting and we absorb these mantras in our work

We Provide Best Listing

Good customer service is all about bringing customers back and about sending them away happy enough to pass positive feedback about your business along to others

Listing on top exchanges

We are connected with crypto-currency exchanges in the world. Our services are trusted and preferred because of minimal time and reasonable prices.

Market making

Trading volume generation, order book filling, and creation of liquidity. The ability to control the market with the following parameters like price, volume, speed of growth, interacting marketing strategy.

Visa card

Working with our partners we can provide white label visa card for crypto projects. Ensure this process to be cost effective.

Community management

We provides community managers for crypto project's. Our community managers respond to community queries within minutes and interact with the community to increase positive engagement and they have proven community management experience with strong ownership and emotional intelligence.

Fiat payment gateway

We can integrate fiat on-ramp and off-ramp system for crypto platforms with very low service charge

Frequently Asked Questions

Can't find the answer you are looking for? we have shared some of our most frequently asked questions to help you out.

Why should projects go through us?

With direct contact and good relationship, we are a trusted service. Projects going directly to exchange for listings are likely to be in the queue. There’s no point in waiting for few months when your listing can be as fast as few weeks on bigger exchanges. Our partnered exchanges will treat your listing with priority.

How are the listings process?

Considering we have your project for listing on crypto exchanges. First we will contact the corresponding exchanges for listing your project. The next step will involve arranging a listing meeting, including the exchange officials and your project team members. After you get the listing contract from exchanges , you can deal with the exchange directly.

What are the additional offers a project gets while going through us?

We work on getting free MM accounts, low fee trading volume bot or a free volume bot. Our partnership with multiple exchanges results in getting free listing offers from time to time. When there is the latest free listing opportunity, we will share the same with you as you are our client. This way, we like to invest in the relationship we have with our clients.

How can projects reachout to pinglisting?

Projects can reachout to pinglisting via email or telegram. All contact information is mentioned at the bottom.

Our Connections

About Us

Pinglisting is a blockchain company based on India offering solutions in crypto exchange listing services. Pinglisting was created to help crypto projects to unlock their potential. We have helped several clients globally for launching their token successfully on crypto exchanges . Our solid experience and deep knowledge in the field and our close connection with exchanges allows us to guarantee that your project will get high-professional assistance. We are going with the market trends, ensure the most security, long-term success and we believe in our customer satisfaction.

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